I think it’s fair to say that she overstepped a great many boundaries in her casual exploration of a home that wasn’t hers, but Goldilocks maybe does show that we have to consider conditions for the best results.

I’m a sports fan and it’s not exactly a new suggestion that how many different things link together can have a huge effect on the outcome of any game or match. We see it regularly in Wales when there are international rugby matches being played in the Principality Stadium and there comes the choice of should the retractable roof of the stadium be open or closed?

If the roof is closed, the weather outside stays outside so any wind or rain which would otherwise come bundling down are taken out of the equation. If the roof is open, all the weather, good or bad, comes to play as well. If you’ve set up the way you want to play around there being very little expansive passing and running and it be more of an attritional slugfest, the chance to have the roof open and the rain pouring in is a must, but if the opposition are looking for that kind of game, then keeping the rain out could gave you that slight advantage of running the ball about.

Tennis has different court surfaces, racing reports on the state of the ground at the courses and any number of other examples of ways the activity outcome is more than just the individual are everywhere in sports but it’s everywhere else too.

Anyone need to turn the radio down when you’re parking so you can concentrate? Have you got to have a certain pillow to get the best sleep? Have you got a particular shirt you have to wear on a night out for the best ‘results’? Are you able to get work done with the radio on?

I can’t write without there being background noise.

I enjoy having music playing but I can be out and about at a coffee shop and the background hustle bustle can be enough to keep me ‘in the zone’. I suspect that it comes from the fact that since I left college, all of the jobs that I’ve had either in the fitness industry or in recruitment, meant that I was always functioning in an environment where there was loud noises going on. Add in that I used to cycle to work so grew used to the huge road noises and it just grew that I was used to being concentrated under certain circumstances.

Goldilocks tried out options until she found the one that gave her the best results and she was able to sleep with a full belly and maybe that should be something that we all embrace. If we’re doing anything, if there are modifications that could give an improved performance, shouldn’t we always be looking for them? Try things on for size and keep the stuff that works.

We’re all looking for the best way to go through each day and get the best possible outcome, even if we don’t think we are.

Here’s to the best for all of us.

Stay safe all.